Make the Most of Your Membership as a Voice Actor

voice actors

Hey hey, voice actors. By getting a Recordical membership, you’ve taken a huge step in giving your voice the spotlight. With credits in hand, there’s a lot you can do to tell the story you’ve been meaning to share.  

Create high-quality audio in our studios

As a voice actor, the creation of high-quality audio is most likely a passion of yours. Recordical Studios has got you covered by setting up a space to record said audio without having to worry about the minutiae. 

Here are some ways in which you can make the best use of the space:   

  • Have your script and/or notes pulled up on a tablet or other device – avoid using paper scripts, since shuffling papers can interfere with the audio; 
  • Keep vocal exercises handy so you can start warming up and recording as soon as you’re inside; 
  • Sip water frequently while you record so you avoid developing dreaded “mouth noises”. 

Start by downloading our booking app to reserve studio time. 

Get engineer support* 

Whether you are new to or have experience with audio creation, it never hurts to get some professional assistance. For all of you new Recordheads, we recommend booking an audio engineer for your first recording session. 

Here are some of the ways a Recordical Engineer can help:

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